We have full faith that our vehicles will just take us where we need to go, when we need to go. Whether you’re driving a
Ford ,
Subaru or any make of car, all cars need some TLC.
Lakeview Automotive is the place to take your vehicle if you feel your car is sluggish, slow, vibrating, or just feels…different. Regular maintenance and tune-ups add to your car’s performance and longevity, as well as your peace of mind.
Pay attention to your vehicle and if you notice any of these 9 signs your vehicle needs a check-up, bring it by Lakeview Automotive so we can help you out and get you back on your way.
1) Warning Lights
They serve an important purpose and should not be ignored, though so many times, they are. Always refer to your
vehicle’s owner manual,but keep an eye on the warning lights as they indicate that something is amiss and needs your attention and should be diagnosed at your earliest opportunity.
2) Hard Starts
When you put your key in the ignition and nothing happens, this should be looked at. There are many possible reasons for a hard start such as weak battery, fuel line problem, computer error, or defective starter. But, if you’re suddenly experiencing a delayed response when you put the key in the ignition, get it checked out.
3) Stalling
This is the most unfortunate, because there is never a good time to experience a stalled vehicle. Culprits and causes for stalling cars are clogged fuel filters, a sensor that requires replacement, spark plugs-the list goes on. When your car stalls, take note of whether it happened when your car was hot or cold and then bring your car to Lakeview Automotive for a complete inspection and repair. If you need your car towed, we can assist with that too.
4) Soft or noisy breaks
Loud, squeaky breaks are a nuisance and catch everyone’s attention. Another sign of damage is when you apply more pressure than normal on your brake pedal and the car is still struggling to slow down. Brake pads, rotors or brake fluid should be assessed when anything feels off with your brakes.
5) Fuel mileage
You know your car well and so you know how much gas you use on a regular basis. If this starts to change and you’re suddenly using more gas than normal, your brake pads may be causing you grief, your tire pressure may be uneven, or something else needs to be assessed.
6) Rough idling
Think Uncle Buck . His car would rattle, spew and make noises when he was idling. If your car is doing this, that’s not a good sign and your car is telling you the ignition or valve/piston is having some issues and needs to be looked at.
7) Dirty Exhaust
You can’t miss dirty exhaust and it is always a reason to make you ponder what could be going on. There are several reasons why you may be having dirty exhaust such as your engine or catalytic converter, a clogged fuel line or the intake components need to be looked at. Visit your local repair shop and have this checked out.
8) Other sounds
Our cars can be loud, but they have a ‘regular’ sound most of the time, which you as the driver gets used to. Hearing new and different noises out of the blue that don’t seem to go away should always warrant an inspection and tune-up because strange noises don’t offer peace of mind.
9) Slow acceleration/Loss of power
It’s an awful feeling when you press your foot to the gas and your car doesn’t respond as you expect it to. Different road conditions, weight of your car and whether you are driving down or up a hill affect your car’s response, but a loss of power or slower acceleration than normal is a sign of a much-needed check-up.
We need our cars to get around Calgary, it’s almost impossible not to. Watch out for these signs and reach out to us here at Lakeview Automotive if something needs attention and doesn’t feel right with your Ford or Subaru .
All prices on the site are subject to change, please request a quote for more accurate pricing.